Appointments and Consultations

At JJFP we have standard 15 minute appointment times for either face to face or telehealth consultations.
Many practices set aside 10 minutes for a consultation.  We do not believe that is enough time for a comprehensive assessment.

We cannot predict what your needs or the needs of the patient(s) before you are.  As such sometimes we might run behind the appointment times.  We try hard to stay on time, but sometimes you deserve a little extra time to sort out more complex problems or needs.

On arrival, always present to reception to inform them of your arrival, otherwise we simply do not know that you are here (even if you are a regular)!

What do I need to bring?

On arrival, please present your current Medicare Card and all Concession Cards at Reception.

If you are a new patient, please ensure you leave enough time prior to the appointment to complete new patient registration if you haven’t already filled in the AutoMed new patient paperwork.

Longer Consultations

If you have a list of problems or think your problem may be complex or time consuming, please ask for a longer consultation.  We are always happy to spend the time, but if you have multiple issues and have not made extra time, we may need to address your most urgent needs and deal with the less important at a later time.

If you are unsure, speak with our reception staff or one of our nurses.

Skin Cancer Clinic

We have a dedicated Skin Cancer Clinic.  Appointments for this clinic are 20 minutes standard.

Skin Clinics currently run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.

See our Skin Cancer Clinic and ATBM tabs for more information.

Urgent / Walk In Appointments

You don’t know when you are going to get sick or need medical advice.  Consequently, sometimes we need to try to fit you in somewhere when there are no appointments free with the Doctor of your preference.  Clearly this is difficult and sometimes we may have to offer the Doctor who is running most on time, has a cancellation, or simply has a free appointment available as a walk-in appointment.
We will always try to get you to see your usual Doctor (or the Doctor of your choice) if at all possible.
Our Nurses will always TRIAGE (assess the urgency of) any urgent requests.  Sick children will always been seen (or directed to attend hospital if more appropriate).
Emergency patients will always been seen first.
Those with ‘booked’ appointments will be seen as priority after emergencies.
Finally those requesting fit-in appointments for non-urgent problems will be seen last.

Waiting waiting waiting ….

None of us like waiting.  We are all busy.

Sometimes you see patients arrive after you and ‘go in before you’.  Generally, these patients are seeing another doctor, are booked in with our nurse, or perhaps are booked into the skin clinic, an excision, or even one of Allied Health Providers.
If you arrive early for your appointment, we will do our best to see you earlier, but please remember, we cannot see you ahead of those with a specific booking time if they arrive on time.

Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings we have only one Doctor seeing urgent cases.  As such, we do not make appointments in advance except or dressings or urgent reviews. Please note that Saturdays aren’t for any routine appointments such as immunisations etc.

Can I choose my doctor?

We recognise the value of the doctor-patient relationship. Every effort is made to accommodate you to see the doctor of your choice.

There may be an occasion when you are required to see another doctor in the practice, our records support good communication to facilitate your care.


Please make an appointment to obtain results and reports unless the Doctor instructs you otherwise. You will be contacted to book an appointment if results are considered clinically significant.

Confidentiality and privacy laws prevent us giving results to another person unless consent has been given prior.  Parents, please understand this may include giving results to parents of ‘minors’ as laws protect their confidentiality in many situations.

Medical Certificates

You must book an appointment to obtain these.

Medical certificates are legal documents therefore can’t be backdated.


We would like to think this cannot happen, but we are all human.