Melanoma and skin cancer accounts for a profound level of morbidity and mortality in our community. Unfortunately, as Queenslanders, we have amongst the highest risk in the world for skin cancer and melanoma.
Why do we need a dedicated skin cancer clinic?
Most doctors have the ability to diagnose melanoma that is advanced. Unfortunately, it is often too late by this stage – early diagnosis is critical.
We use dermatoscopy (skin surface microscopy) to help our doctors diagnose skin cancers and melanomas early.
Computerised dermatoscopy technology also allows us to photograph and save an image for later comparison. This helps us to diagnose the earliest forms of melanoma. It also helps us minimise excising (surgically removing) lesions which look suspicious with the naked eye but are actually quite innocent.
Who should have a skin check?
Melanomas can occur in anybody, any age and even skin that has never seen the sun!
Experts recommend children begin to have their skin checked around puberty.
Those at highest risk include those with:
- a family history of melanoma;
- those that have spent a lot of time in the sun; • numerous moles;
- red hair and freckles;
- past history of solarium use; &
- skin that burns easily.
What experience is necessary? 
Most doctors can diagnose obvious melanomas and skin cancers.
Our doctors that offer Skin Cancer Clinic checks all have a special interest in skin cancer medicine, diagnosis and management of skin cancers. They have all undertaken post-graduate studies to further their expertise in skin cancer detection and management. They all hold University Certificates as a result of their extra training.
What if we diagnose a skin cancer?
Not all skin cancers need to be excised.
Our doctors can offer most forms of skin cancer management including surgical excision. Sometimes appropriate treatments may be beyond the scope of a primary care setting. Should this occur, we can recommend and make appropriate referrals.
What is Dermatoscopy?
Dermatoscopy is simply skin surface microscopy.
This is, however, very different to a high powered magnifying glass.
Dermatoscopes are precision optical devices which enable the doctor to see into the skin by removing the skin surface reflection via polarised light or a fluid/skin interface.
Computerised Dermatoscopy is the same technology attached to computer for saving and comparison of images. We use MoleMax and ATBM (Automated Total Body Mapping).
Dr Rodney Willett
Dr Tim Chan – Master of Skin Cancer Medicine
Dr Linda Cheng
Dr Paul O’Neill
All our doctors hold post-graduate qualifications extending their Skin Cancer Detection and Management Skills. Dr Timothy Chan also has his masters of Skin Cancer Medicine.
We pride ourselves on the standard of our clinic and our excisions if required to remove a sun spot or skin cancer.
We hold Skin Cancer Clinics Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
20-minute consultations are standard. This allows enough time to complete a full and comprehensive assessment.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call and cancel to allow somebody else to fill that appointment slot. A non-cancellation fee may apply if you fail to turn up.
PLEASE AVOID WEARING MAKE-UP to enable us to conduct a thorough check.
Telephone reception to make an appointment.
Ph: 07 55477733
Skin Clinic Consultations incur a private consultation fee for all private patients.
Surgical excisions attract normal practice fees.
For a single standard excision, we charge a Gap Payment. This is not rebatable.
Medicare then pay the remainder of this fee in a form of a cheque; this will be posted to the patient for you to bring back into the practice to pay the remainder of your excision account. Failure to do so will result in the patient having to pay the total fee as the cheque is addressed to the Doctor/ Practice.
Surgical excisions will always be done as priority.